Monday, October 6, 2014

Catch Up

Wow, it's been a while!!  Here are some pictures and stuff from the past few months.
Kieran's first haircut

Kieran distracted by girls at the beach. . . such a boy!!

My little handyman.  He loves putting things together and building things.

Riley having her first taste of a chili dog.  She is eating enough at 1 meal to not have to have a feed.  Progress and wonderful for her!!

Little Olivia

Lots of Disneyland trips, we met Donald

Riley wearing her crown

Last baseball game of the season, Kieran loves baseball and keeps asking to go again.

Riley has a little backpack that she can wear now!!  She's close to walking on her own!!

Kieran is all about dancing right now, and he even danced and cheered in front of people.

Papa trying to put Kieran's hair in a ponytail.

Molly and Chris won a photo shoot and this is all of our favorite pictures ever!

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