Sunday, May 25, 2014

2nd Birthday

We just celebrated Kieran's 2nd birthday this past weekend.  Thursday Tino, his friend Abe, Molly, Abigail and I took him up to Disneyland on his birthday.  It was fun, just a long day.  The kids didn't nap, it was crowded, and waiting in lines and having to say no to toys and getting off rides, and eachother made for a long day.  It was fun though, Kieran got to ride his 1st roller coaster.  In ToonTown they have a little kids roller coaster that you have to be 35" to ride and he just barely hit it.  I video taped it all, so hopefully I can upload it to YouTube.  By the time we finished the ride he was scrunched down next to Tino, but when we stopped he said "more time" which is his way of saying again, 1 more time.  It was a legit roller coaster too, Abigail rode it last year and came off the ride so pumped, and again this time, her and Molly sat in the front row!  We didn't get to ride everything the adults wanted to, some rides were closed, but also cause the lines were so long.  Molly had never been to California Adventure, so we went over there halfway thru the day.  It is different from Disneyland, so I'm not sure how much Molly really enjoyed it, she likes Disneyland.  And the kids were starting to get moody so we didn't get to do a whole lot.  We stayed till about 8:45 and left, so it was a long day, but Kieran had a good time. 
I took popsicles to daycare Friday to have with his friends.  They said they were a hit with the kids and they all sat and ate their popsicles and were good.  That night Molly and Chris and the girls came over to celebrate and have dinner and presents.  He got an easel that sits on the table, a Mickey book, some Angry Bird Star Wars stuffed characters, his first baseball glove and a little wagon for outside.  I even gave him a mini cupcake which he just ate the icing off and then smooshed the cake.  He had a great birthday, and enjoyed the attention. 
Here are some pictures from his birthday and other things.

Kieran was supposed to go up to Tino's parents for Easter, but got Hand-foot and mouth disease so he stayed home.  We had a small easter egg hunt for him.
 Riley got to go for her 1st bike ride!!
 Kieran and Abigail got to pick eggs from Aunt Cara's chickens
 And then played with the hose
 Kieran is obsessed with surfing right now, always wants to stand on it and put it in the water. . .soon he can try surfing.
 Pretty Girl
 Happy Mother's Day

 Cassie, Justin, Molly, Chris and I took the kids to Scripps Aquarium last weekend

 And then to the beach
 Riley had her first touch of ocean!!
 Birthday Boy!
 He got a pin and I made him a shirt. . . the shirt was silk screened and it started to peel off before we even got into Disneyland!

 Abigail got a princess hat
 Harmony and Heather met up with us.  Kieran was a little unsure of Heather.
 Birthday Dinner. . . . RIBS!!
 Lounging after a big night of partying
 Uncle Justin celebrated his 30th birthday yesterday, Kieran kept saying "happy birthday Uncle Justin", and then when we left he wanted to go back and play with him.
Having a snack playing in the water today before he went to see his dad.

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