Thursday, November 20, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween was fun this year.  Kieran chose to be Superman.  I wanted to make his costume, it took me a bit to find the right colors, but I finally got it!  He took his costume to school, and they had a little costume parade, and then we went to some friends house.  They have a block party, with games, and food, and Kieran enjoyed it.  He went trick-or-treating, which I wasn't too keen on.  Chris and Ashley took all the kids up and down the street.  The first house he came to he was the last one and was just watching the other kids.  He stood there with his bucket out and when they put candy in, he looked in at it and back up at them.  Chris had to go up and get him to leave.  =)  He did get into his candy on the way home too.  He would NOT let go of his bucket of goodies, so I told him he can't have anything till we got home.  I heard him rummaging thru his bucket and then heard him bite into a piece of candy.  I pulled over and he had a big snickers bar and had taken a bite out of it with the wrapper on!  He then got into a bag of M & M's, and tried sucking on a starburst which got all sticky.  But needless to say, he enjoyed Halloween and having a cape and boots!
Halloween with the cousins

Riley was a mouse!!

Cinderella, Superman, Pink kitty and 2 mice!!

Papa and his lil' buddy

Superman and Elmo

I love this picture, Kieran is so confused by Toto

Kieran's 1st attempt at a skateboard.  He wants to get on it all the time now.  He will get on, and hold on to the porch and slowly move himself along.  He has a long way to go, but he's getting there!

Our latest wedding we did.  At the Marriott in Coronoado with a completely covered tent.  It was gorgeous and luckly a great day in November!

Kieran helping me make pizza dough

We were walking thru Target one night and he saw his size chairs, so he told me he needed to sit and watch people.

Our friend Quincy and Kieran at the zoo.  These 2 together are comedy!

Telling me a story about something.  This kid loves to talk, and is usually talking unless he has food in his mouth.

Waiting in line for the bus!

Playing in snow at Sea World

Waiting to go on his first sled ride at Sea World.  Hopefully it will snow in the mountains this year and we can actually go to the real snow!

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