Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Riley's 1st Birthday!!

Talk about a fast year!!  Riley is already 1, that year went by really fast!!
Riley is doing really well, she is starting to sit up on her own, almost crawling, and is starting to eat foods!!  She definetly wants to eat, she watches us eat and you can tell she wants to because she licks her lips, and watches us intently.  She is always smiling, and likes attention.  She had such a great time at her party, getting passed around, people talking to her, and when we sang Happy Birthday to her she got so excited and was all smiles. 
Kieran is doing good, he fell out of a chair in the dinning room and chipped his tooth.  He didn't cut his lips or anything, no blood just lost a tooth!  He is keeping me on my toes, and is starting to throw tantrums.  This past weekend he would throw himself on the ground and cry for no reason.  I'm not looking forward to this stage, it's going to be very trying.  Him and Abigail were in the living room the other day and I could hear them hitting eachother and looked out at them and they were just beating on eachother.  Their relationship is going to be a work in progress!!  They love eachother but fight like no other!!
Here are some pictures, Happy Easter!!

Riffel Family 
 Riley and Brooklyn making faces at eachother
Papa dancing with Abilgail & Kieran

I actually got him to sit still

We took the kids on a hot air balloon at the Wild Animal Park, it goes 400 feet up in the air, they loved it!!

Our newest memeber of our family, Olivia Taylor Sinnott

A happy big sister

Justin has 2 girls, and Kieran has all girl cousins!!

I finally turned Kieran around in his carseat, he likes it, but still hates the car

Beach day!!

Enjoying avocados at the farmers market

 His chipped tooth, I had to wait till he was asleep to get a picture of it
Riley and her helmet!!  Molly has since painted it to look like a watermelon and it says "fixin my melon"

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