Monday, March 17, 2014

Abigail's 3rd Birthday!!

I can remember when she was born, and she's already 3!!  Abigail's party was a lot of fun.  It was a garden theme at the community center at Molly and Chris' house.  Gorgeous day, good kids, and just a great way to spend a day. 
Tino and I took Kieran to Disneyland again, he really enjoys going, and knows who some of the characters are.  He likes rides too, but doesn't show too much emotion till it's time to get off and he asks for more.  Kieran got his bangs cut, he has a few times, but this time I actually have pictures.  We had a lot of warm weather, so this last weekend Abigail and Kieran were outside, and I gave them squirt bottles.  They totally enjoyed squirting eachother and themselves. 
Enjoy the pictures!
Jaycee and Abigail 
 Abigail's new bike. . .no training wheels!!
All the kids 
This is the best we could do with the 4 cousins, pretty soon we will have another one to throw in there too, Cassie is due the end of the this month!! 
Lil' Jaycee 

Kieran after Abigail's party, they painted bird cages, but Kieran painted himself instead. . . and then he wanted to wear my shower cap. . . .such a pretty little boy!

Lola has been putting Kieran's hair up because it is so long, he really enjoys it 
Waiting for the ferriswheel

Waiting for Casey Jr. Train

Eating a popsicle

Look at their stances!  They're ready for battle!!

Kieran can't get enough of Riley, this is the best picture I could get of the 2

Abigail's birthday present, the 1 eye is priceless

The whole getup

Lola braiding Kieran's hair


Building a tower

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