Sunday, March 2, 2014

Potty Training

I know it's been a while, so here is some of what I can remember.  =)
Kieran is now 22 months old, Abigail will be 3 next Saturday, and Riley will be a year April 3rd!!  Things are going by so fast.  Abigail and Kieran fight like cats and dogs whenever they are around, and get so crazy hyper and love being with eachother.  They are going thru the sharing phase and we have had to break up a few wrestling and fighting matches.  They each ask for eachother when we have not seen them in a few days.  Kieran adores those Riffels!  Today Kieran woke up from his nap and I told him Lola and Papa were at Autnie and Toto's house.  He got so upset and started to cry and asked for them.  He is fighting a cold so we could not go see them. 
Kieran is starting the potty training process.  I have a little potty in our bathroom for Abigail to use, and I would put him on every night before bath, and one day he actually pooped a little bit.  Tino has a toilet at his house and he started putting him on there and he pooped and peed a bit there too.  Once he started seeing this, he would want to sit on it all the time.  He pushes really hard as well, and I was really worried he would get a hemroid or hurt himself.  He has gotten better about not straining so hard, but will go poop or pee on the big toilet at least 3 times a day.  There are some times he won't even go in his diaper and can hold it.  It would be wonderful if he could be potty trained by his 2nd birthday, but not pushing too hard.  =)
Kieran went thru a big growth spurt, and is now 34" tall, and I'd say maybe 25 lbs.  He is in 2T clothes as the 18 months are too short.  He talks nonstop, and says at least 3 new words a day.  He is able to start spelling his name, he knows Ki.  He loves to repeat what we say, so we spell his name, say numbers and alphabets a lot.  Sometimes you can hear him counting and he knows his numbers!!  He loves singing "take me out to the ballgame", and knows to root for the Padres!!  I turned on a preseason game the other day and he really got into it.  So glad he enjoys sports!!
Abigail is doing great.  She is starting homeschool tomorrow!  There are 2 girls that live across the street from him who do homeschooling, and Molly has decided to start with Abigail.  She is very excited.  And is very excited to be turning 3 and having a birthday party.  We are doing a "Garden" Theme, and it's supposed to be 78 degrees so it will be perfect!  If you ask her what she wants she says presents, and then asks for goat cheese and crackers, and cute things like that. 
Riley is 15lbs, and is sitting up on her own.  Not completely by herself all the time, but can do it!  She is such a happy little beautiful baby.  She loves attention, and bouncing around either in your arms, or in her boucy chair.  She is working on eating solids, and you can tell she wants to eat!  She grabs the spoon, and licks her lips, and wants to eat!!  She is such a michellin baby, and can't believe she will be a year old!!  We are going to have a big celebration for her 1st birthday, "You are my Sunshine" theme.  =)
Ok, here are some pictures.  Sorry for so many.  I will put some up in the next few weeks of Abigail's party.
 Loving cousins
Chris and I took the kids to the bay one day and on a bikeride.  We stopped at the Catamarn boat dock for a walk out on it.

Love this picture!!

Such a big kid!!

Later that night playing in Papa's garage

Riley in her big girl carseat

Laurie was in town and she had to put her hair on Riley!!  I can't remember the last time we laughed so hard.

We had dinner and a playdate with the Wingerter's

Watching tv

That's 1 big hippo!!

Smiley little girl

And Abigail too

He sat himself on his toilet with his book all by himself

Auntie Cassie and Riley at Cassie's shower

Toto took the kids to the Padres fan day and got them helmets


Oh papa. . . .and he wonders why Kieran won't leave him alone

When it was warm we were outside and Kieran had to go to the bathroom. . . . gotta be portable

Lord Helmet

Papa, Lola and I took kieran to the beach.  We dug a big hole by the water and Kieran played in it till he was shaking from being so cold.  He loved it and wanted to jump into the waves!


Papa and Abby checking out ants

It was this big!!

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