Sunday, October 6, 2013

16 Months

This month has been busy!!  Riley had her heart surgery September 19th.  She is doing great.  Had a few rough times, but is a strong girl.  She came home the following Saturday and is so happy to be home.  She is back to talking and cooing and smiling like crazy.  She can now hold her breath longer, so she is pushing herself and can tell that she has more strength.
Kieran has his 2 bottom side teeth in, the ones next to his front ones.  They came in a week apart, and he was pretty cranky.  He is still chewing on his fingers and anything else he can get his hands on.  He even bit a girl at school, and I have noticed him trying to bite me.  I think some of it is agression, and some of it is him just seeing what happens. 
He is running everywhere and starting to climb on whatever is taller than him, and has the scrapes and bruises to show it.  We have lots of rocks in the yard, and he is trying to walk on all of them and thanks to Papa is trying to either run down them or jump off them.  He is for sure a boy.  Daycare says they have taken all the chairs away from the little kid table and he still finds a way up on it!  He is all boy. . . .until he is with Auntie Molly and Lola.  They like dressing him up in Abigail's dress up clothes, and he has a thing for shoes.  Molly bought Abigail some of those plastic high heels we used to wear as girls, and he had to put them on!!  He goes into my closet and pulls out all of my shoes and tells you shoes and then sits down and tries to put them on.  He is saying lots of words.  Some of them you can make out, others there's no way you would know what he is saying.  He says "mup pees" for up please, "ma" for help, he can say chair and shoe really well, and of course Papa!!  He can sign lots of things, mainly foods, go figure, and loves saying baby.  The Riffel's came over last night, and as soon as Riley was down on the floor he was all over her saying baby and giving her kisses.  He likes to give and blow kisses.  Whenever I say bye, or we are leaving he will blow kisses, even in the store. 
Kieran is definetly a character.  He knows now when he is being funny, and will look at you for a reaction.  Tonight I was feeding him dinner and we were out in the living room watching the baseball games.  Papa was on the couch and Lola was in her chair.  Kieran's high chair was in the middle of Lola and I, and was talking up a storm, and then started dancing.  He clicks his tongue when he dances, so he was doing that and rocking his head back and forth.  He was watching my parents waiting for a reaction and when they smiled at him he got even crazier.  He is definetly a hoot.
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

Kieran got blisters on his heels so I cut socks and put them on his feet.  =)

Molly and I took Kieran and Abigail to the beach one hot day, Kieran loved it. . . and the sand too! 

Playing outside one cold morning

Chris and I took the kids to the last Padre game of the season

Kieran got his own size couch!

Helping me vacuum

Sharing his couch

Learning to golf

I was leaving Molly's house one day and say a snake outside.  We got this picture later on. . . .yes, it's dead.

Abigail watching a movie with Riley

Nurse Abigail attending to Riley the day after surgery.

Mama and Dada

Riley got to take a wagon ride at the hospital.  Children's is awesome.  Molly said every day they would see the same little girl riding in a wagon saying hi to the nurses and cruising around.

When Molly and Chris told Riley she was going home.  =)

Little Miss Muffett

Happy 6 month old baby girl!!

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