Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I know it's been a while. . . . so here are some pictures and an update.  =)
Kieran is now running everywhere.  He is still a bit unsteady, so he has quite a few bumps and bruises on his head and legs, but he usually just gets up and smiles and keeps running.  He has been doing great in daycare, starting to not cry too much when I drop him off.  Now that school is back in there are a lot more kids for him to play with.  He is also learning some new things. . . .shaking his head no is his newest thing.  He started marching, and clapping a lot more, so I think they get them to dance.  He is talking nonstop.  I pick him up from daycare, or when he wakes up in the morning he is babbling and making noises and talking all the time.  He says bubble, dada, papa, mama, and is starting to say dirty (I'm always saying that to him), and we are working on Lola, Auntie and Abby.  He knows a lot more signs.  He can sign cracker, house, poop, dirty, outside, baby, dog, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, food of course, and I'm sure more, just can't think of them. 
Riley is doing really good.  She is so big now!!  Her surgery is scheduled for September 19th at 8 am.  The doctors want her as pudgy as possible, and she is there!!  She doesn't have knees, it is just a layer of fat that hangs off her thigs.  Her arms are rolls, and she is adorable.  She is talking and smiling, and is rolling.  Not rolling over, but from side to side. 
Here are some pictures.
Wearing Papa's hat 
 Walking With Lola

The only hat Kieran will really wear. . . Abigail's pink cowboy hat

I got him to wear his baseball hat for a second. . . he was digging in the dirt, so he didn't realize I put it on

Little Riley!!

Lola and Abigail

Helping papa in the yard

Swimming at Jaycee's birthday party


Sitting with Auntie Cassie helping Jaycee open presents

Jumping to Uncle Chris

Jaycee swimming!!

I'm not sure what to say about this!!  =)


Riley at Therapy doing some tummy time. . . check out the rolls!!

Abigail helping me wash my car

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