Friday, November 8, 2013


We had another busy month.  I am working more, and had 2 weddings in 1 week this past month.  It was fun, but a lot of work.  Then the time change, that still is hitting me hard.  Kieran woke up about 6:30 before the time change, and I am trying to work on his bedtime to see if I can get him to sleep to 6:30 or 7 now.  Halloween was fun, we went to some friends house for a block party, and trick-or-treated around their street.  Kieran had his 1st taste of candy.  He asked for more a few times then forgot about it.  He ate so much that night I don't think he really realized he ate it.  Kieran was Ace Ventura, his costume was cute, but he has my hair and it didn't want to stay up.  People kept thinking he was a girl because he had a tutu on as well.  Oh well, he enjoyed wearing his boots. 
He now says boots very well, shoes all the time.  He also says love you, thank you (hard to distinguish), water, and Toto (Uncle Chris). 
Tino's birthday was this past Tuesday, and he wanted to take Kieran to Disneyland.  I took him up Tuesday night and we stayed the night and went Wednesday.  He really enjoyed it.  We rode Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan, the Carousel, a Bugs Life and Toy Story in California Adventures.  In Toy Story you sit in a little cup holding 2 people, and each of you have a toy gun to shoot.  It is 3D, so we all wore glasses.  We put Kieran in between Tino and I, and he sat there and watched.  His glasses kept falling off, but he enjoyed it.  After we were done with the shooting part he was reaching for my gun, so I let him play with it and he giggled and really enjoyed it.  We went with a co-worker of Tino's and his girlfriend, and they were wonderful.  They played with Kieran, and spent the whole day with us.  They wanted to ride all the little kids rides to watch Kieran and see how much fun he had. 
Kieran also got his bangs cut.  I was tired of him having them in his eyes, and having to push them off to the side of his head.  Chris' sister came over and cut them.  We sat on the front porch and he did ok, they are kind of crooked, but only I can tell that.  =)  He looks cute, and they are no longer in his eyes!!  We are letting the rest of his hair grow, and it's getting pretty long.  He has some curl to it, which is really cute.  I have to put conditioner in it to keep it from getting knotted, and that makes it weighed down a bit, so I'm sure his curls aren't as much as they would be.  I don't have his hair cutting pictures because they are on Lola's phone.  I will try to get them onto here soon.  Here are the pictures I do have.  =)
Walking with Logan and Annabelle

Laying on the couch like Papa

Trying to keep him happy in Target

Auntie Cassie, Jaycee and Kieran at the zoo. . . . Auntie Cassie's a little creepy

Talking to the Orangutan

Kieran has found his pockets

And learned to stand on 1 foot

Auntie Cassie and Kieran hanging in the hammock at Grandpa Weevie's

Uncle Justin and Jaycee

Uncle Toto pushing Kieran around on Abigail's bike (Kieran loves Abigail's helmet)

Playing the piano with a Padre's helmet

Happy Halloween (none of these pictures does he Kieran look happy, but he did have a lot of fun)

Kieran, Abigail the princess and Brooklyn as Minnie Mouse

Brooklyn & Kieran

Outside with his beanie and gloves

Kieran watching Dada and Abe color at breakfast

Waiting in line for Disneyland!

Somebody got a hat!!!

I think this was Peter Pan

Playing with the water on Tom Sawyer's Island

Silly Boy

Enjoying 1 of his 2 pickles Kieran had at Disneyland

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