Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Newest Edition!!

Happy Easter, hope everyone had a fun day of hunting for Easter Eggs.  Kieran had his first Easter, and was digging watching the bigger kids collect Easter Eggs.  He held onto one for a good 30 minutes playing with it and turning it around and chewing on it.  We went over to Chris' family's house and had a nice lunch.  His family tradition is to put the newest member in the easter basket, so we put Kieran in it this year.  He was the first baby put in it that didn't scream his head off.  Cute pictures too.  =)
We also have some exciting news, Riley Taylor Riffel came into our world early this morning!!  Riley was 6 weeks early, but is excelling really well.  She was born around 2 this morning, is 5lb, 1oz, and I believe 17 inches long.  She looks like the Taylor side of our family.  she has pudgy cheeks and dark curly hair.  She was born crying which is a good sign because of her being premature.  She has down syndrome, and her heart condition that we had been told about.  The doctors and nurses are so pleased and surprised at how great she is doing, and strong she is.  She has not needed any help breathing, or heart monitoring.  She is hooked up to an IV to help get some vitamins and nutrients in her.  She has gotten close to latching on to Molly to eat, and hopefully by tomorrow morning she will be feeding.  Molly is doing wonderful, she is up and moving around, and in great spirits.  Chris and Molly will be spending the nights at the hospital with Riley until she is released.  The rest of the family will be down there when we all can to help and see the new little bundle of joy.  Hopefully they can bring her home in a few weeks.
On Tuesday I took Abigail to Auntie Heather's friends house who has 2 horses, 2 goats and 2 dogs.  They lovingly call it "the farm".  Abigail had such a good time playing with Hunter and Kody, feeding the animals, scooping poop, rolling in the dirt and running around.  I have decided we will be going with Auntie Heather and the boys over there at least once a week.  Hunter and Abigail had a good time playing together, holding hands, running after eachother and enjoying being outside.
Abigail is doing good with not having Molly and Chris around all day.  She knows that Riley is here, and has seen pictures.  She won't meet her until she comes home, Molly and Chris don't want her to see her with wires and machines and strange noises around her.  Abigail is excited to see more pictures and see her and her mommy.  =)
Here are some pictures, I will try to keep this blog updated so you all can know what is going on with little Riley as well.
Kieran helping Abigail take all her toys out in her new house!!  He seriously spent 45 minutes standing like this, going up on his tippy toes, and pulling out new things.

Making faces on the sliding glass door

Lol, still working on making faces and not licking

Tino says it looks like Kieran's going to hurl

Hi, I'm walking along the couch!!

A giant Easter Egg

Happy Easter

Hunter, Abigail and Boradway

Auntie Heather trying to get Abigail to pet Broadway

Brushing her with her cowgirl boots on!!

Scooping poop, such good little helpers

Yup. . . .this is what they did most of the time, the boys are playing in Nike's water

Wheel Barrell ride

Aw. . . .cousins

Kieran playing at Dadda's before his bath

Welcome Riley Taylor Riffel

Riley's making faces at us already!

Such a precious little angel

She likes to sleep!

Papa with his newest little angel

Just hours old, the tube in her mouth was just to see if her GI tract went all the way thru, because of her being so small they were worried about her GI tract not connecting to her stomach, but everything looks awesome and she is doing so great!!

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