Monday, April 22, 2013

11 Months Old!!

ard to believe this time last year we were having my baby shower and I was getting excited about putting a nursery together.  Now we have a growing, talking, laughing, crawling little boy!!  Kieran has seemed to sprout a few inches and pounds the past few weeks.  I thought it was from going and seeing Riley and how small she is, but no, he really is getting big.  His 9 month clothes which just last week were still a bit big are now getting kind of tight and I am having to put away some of his 6 month clothes he was wearing just a few weeks ago.  We have done a lot these past few weeks.  Went to Sea World twice in 1 week, the zoo one day, played at Abigail's house a lot, the park and a 2nd birthday party.  Kieran's top 4 teeth have come in really fast.  Just in the past week his front 2 top teeth have come down farther than the others and they were the last 2 teeth to come in.  I don't see any others coming in, but his 6 came in really fast so we will see.  Kieran is still enjoying swim.  We were told today that starting this Wednesday Tino will no longer be in the pool.  We will sit on the side of the pool and Kieran will learn to sit on the step and hold onto the side.  He is starting to use his arms, and every once in a while will kick.  He is for sure a water baby!! 
A little about Riley.  She is doing good, she has not gained any weight since she was born, and is being tube fed still.  She now has reflux, so the past 2 days she has spent a lot of time on her tummy.  She has fluid in her lungs, and is being given medicine to get it out.  She has trouble breathing lately as well, and it seems that when she is on her stomach she breathes better.  I am going to spend the day with her tomorrow, Molly and Chris are going to take Abigail to Sea World.  Molly and Chris have been taking turns staying at the hospital and coming home with Abigail.  Abigail is too young to go into NICU, so she has not been able to meet her little sister yet.  She has facetimed with her, and sees pictures all the time, so she knows she is here and is in the hospital.  She has been in the waiting room of NICU while we go see Riley, and change kids around so somebody can be with Riley. 
Here are some pictures, enjoy!!
Trying to corral these 2 crazies

Aw. . . cousin's.  Cassie and Justin came down one day to meet Riley and we went to the park and played for a while, then went to dinner.  Jaycee and Abigail ended up having our cell phones during dinner playing with them.  This generation is going to have cell phones by the time they're in elementary school!

A papa sandwich

Kieran loves to crawl over to the window in the waiting room of the NICU.  All the nurses come over and play with him and say how adorable he is.  =)

Abigail talking to the dolphins

Fishies everywhere!!

I totally remember going on this when we were kids, now Abigail loves it

A day at the zoo

Kieran and Abigail making faces at the nurses

This is Kieran's new pirate face when he gets upset

I took Abigail to the beach one day, we had a good time

Having an in depth conversation with Heather

Playing dressup

Bathtime. . . If Abigail is here when Kieran takes a bath she is usually in the tub before I can get the water warm.  This girl loves being in the middle of everything.

Playing with papa. . . .I didn't realize what papa was wearing, and I dressed Kieran, he had the same outfit on. . .all the way down to his sandals!!

Lyla's 2nd birthday party, Kieran loved all the kids

Getting ready for our walk

Swim lessons

After swim lessons we came home and had a bottle outside and then played in the grass

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