Thursday, March 21, 2013

10 Months

I know I say it every month, but holy cow!!  10 months already!  Kieran has changed so much in the past month.  He is crawling, pulling himself up onto everything, and has even started getting too sure of himself and letting go of what he is holding onto.  Kieran is still babbling and talking all the time.  We went for a 45 minute walk the other morning and he talked the whole time.  He is also screeching a lot.  Papa encourages it, but today while walking thru the store it was a bit emberassing when he screamed the whole time.  It's not an upset screech, it's just him finding his voice and talking.  Kieran has also gotten both of his teeth.  His first one broke thru and the following week his 2nd was coming thru.  I believe he is getting more, but can't feel one.  If you put your finger in his mouth he bites you, so I don't try anymore.  =)
We had a busy month, we went to the zoo, wild animal park, sea world and got to go back behind the scenes and feed the turtles and see baby sharks, and had a photo shoot.  We also started Swim Lessons!!  I had been wanting to get Kieran into the pool for a while, and when I got my tax returns that was the first thing I did.  He had his first lesson this past monday, and he was so relaxed.  He had slept terrible the past 2 nights, and took a 20 minute nap that morning, so I wasn't sure how he was going to be.  Tino is in the pool with him, so he took him in the pool and played around a bit till the teacher took him.  The first time she took him she just swayed him back and forth, and he didn't even look like he cared that for one somebody other than daddy had him, but also that he was moving.  The next time she looked at him, and talked to him, and put him onto his side so his ear and side of his head was in the water.  The next 2 times we thought he was going to fall asleep.  Tino had him 1 time and put him on his back, and he looked like he was going to fall asleep.  His next session Wednesday was the same way.  This time the teacher put him under the water, and it took him by surprise each time, but he was so comfortable and happy to be in the water that it didn't matter.  We are looking forward to watching him enjoy his swim lessons.  =)
We did a photo shoot with Abigail, trying to get some good pictures of them both, and each seperately.  We had a play date with Ryu and played in the pool.  We went to the zoo, and got to see an orangutang up close and next to the glass.  Sea World was fun, Cassie, Jaycee Molly and Abigail all piled into Lola's van and went.  The kids all enjoyed being in the van together, Abigail is now facing forward so she was in the very back facing Jaycee and Kieran.  The whole day was good, we got to go back behind the new Turtles exhibit and feed the turtles, pet them and see some baby sharks that were growing. 
Hi Orangutang!!

this giraffe was posing for pictures for at least 10 minutes!

One of Kieran's many faces.

the 3 of us at the Wild Animal Park

Out for a stroll

Happy Baby!

Now that's a great way to travel!

Getting ready for a dip in the pool with. . . .

Uncle Chris, Abigail and Ryu (it took him all day to get in the pool, and he wanted to when it was time to leave)

Ryu being such a gentleman, helping Abigail put her shoes on

Going to Sea World

Abigal the big girl in a forward facing carseat!

Jaycee and Cassie feeding the giant turtles

Getting to pet Dexter with Jess

Petting baby sharks

Trying to ride tandem on the stroller (Kieran liked grabbing her hood and pigtails)

Jaycee trying out my shades

Cuddling with Papa

Getting him started early with the plank!

Abby taking a picture of herself on her birthday

Playing with Lola at his activity table

We have a frog magnet Kieran likes to take off the fridge, this is his newest thing to do with it

Getting ready for a day in the pool

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Let's get in the pool!

Relaxing with Daddy in the pool

Happy water baby

Kieran has started messing with his tongue, it is ALWAYS out

Our photo shoot

Finally some good pictures of the 2 of them together!!

I love this one!!


She is so photogenic

Those eyes get me every time!!

Pretty girl

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