Tuesday, February 26, 2013

9 Months

Wow, 9 months already!!  Kieran has learned and started doing so much stuff just this past week.  He is now sitting himself up on his own, he is pulling himself up onto everything, he has learned he can move his fingers, so you will see him holding his hand out moving his fingers.  He seems like he is close to clapping.  He has started putting his hands together like he is clapping. His first tooth has broken thru!!  Seems like all of a sudden he said I'm gonna be 9 months, lets start changing. 
The other day he had woken up from a nap and he was sitting up in his crib playing with his hands and waving.  Later he had pulled himself up onto the little kid table we have in the living room.  He was standing on the hardwood floor.
We took Lola and Papa to the airport Friday for their bi-yearly trip to Hawaii, and when he got in the car the sun was shining thru a crack in the window.  He was trying to grab the specs of dust he was seeing.  It was SO funny!  I thought he was trying to grab at the sun, but then realized he was trying to get the stuff floating around. 
Kieran is so close to crawling, he is getting better about getting onto his knees, even on the hardwood floors.  He can even sit himself up on the hardwood floor and pull his legs up under him without a problem. 
We had his 9 month checkup Monday, he is 16 lb, 8 oz, 7th percentile, 27 1/4" tall 11th percentile.  The doctor said he looks great, and is healthy.  He also got 4 immunizations.  Poor baby.  We gave him a bottle to try to preoccupy him, but once the nurse pricked him with the first needle he was not happy.  He cried that terrible hurt cry, and each time she pricked him he cried harder.  The good thing was that the bottle did help after.  He went right to eating and relaxed until I tried getting his pants back on and he flipped out again.  He spent that night with Tino, and he said he was a bit fussy, but he woke up this morning happy.  Just has 2 sore thighs!
A few weekends ago when it was nice outside Lola and I took Kieran outside to take some pictures of him.  I want to get some good ones of just him.  We got a few.  He's so adorable!
Here are some pictures.  =)
Love his little smile!

I have those letter blocks and tried to get a good picture of them with his shoes.

He loves to eat anything. . . . .even grass

Handsome little guy

This is Grand Aunt Judy's chair, he did pretty good sitting in it, tried scooting himself out of it a few times.

Later standing himself up on me!

Loving him some blueberries

hehehe, that's so a Tino face!

I was getting his walker outside, and he was ready to come outside!

He loves this walker.  He has worn out a pair of shoes in it!

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