Friday, February 15, 2013

First Word

Kieran has been babbling a lot, and saying his P's, B's and M's words for the past few weeks.  He has started saying mama!!  He will say it at times, but doesn't realize he is talking yet.  When he starts saying his sounds, and we repeat it to him he gets this cute crinkled smile.We  have a very active little boy.  Kieran is pulling himself up on everything, and up to standing position.  He is still getting up onto all 4's, but is not trying to crawl.  He can even get onto all 4's on the hardwood floor.  
I weighed him today, and he is 16 lb, 10 oz.  He is slowly getting bigger.  You can see his legs look like they are getting thicker.  He is almost out of his 6 month clothes and into his 9 months. 
Tino took Kieran to Sea World last week, and he said he loved the aquariums.  He loved watching the fish, and can pick up the animals really well.  I took him to the zoo last week, and if I pointed to the animal he could find it and watch it.  He really enjoyed watching the monkeys and flamingos. 
Still no teeth, but Kieran is definetly teething.  He is chewing on everything, drooling a lot more, and is very clingy and whiny.  I can't see any swollen gums, or anything coming up, but you can see his teeth under the gums. 
Kieran loves being around people.  I have realized that I need to get him out as much as possible, and it usually makes him happier.  He loves watching people, and likes when he gets attention.  If somebody starts talking to him he will act shy, and kind of bury his head, but then perk up and even wave.  He loves to smile, and still has his adorable cheshire cat smile that takes up his whole face. 
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
Kieran's first trip to the beach.

Little sandy feet!!

One of Kieran's famouses poses.

Abby had a slumber party at our house!

We took Kieran and Abby to the Train Expo

Abby and Kieran enjoying Thomas the Train

There was a band playing and Kieran was totally digging them!

Playing outside on Abby's tricycle

Kieran's trip to Sea World.  The new turtle reef is totally cool.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Whos' ready for Spring Training. . . .I am!!!!
Kieran is pulling himself up onto his knees and even feet!  This is in the cabinet under the tv in the living room.  Scary!!

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