Thursday, January 24, 2013

On the Move

Kieran is army crawling and he is also going from sitting to crawling position without any problems.  Just the past week he started bringing his knees up beneath him and getting onto all 4's.  He is really fast, I put him down and within seconds he is either grabbing at the cats, or getting into something he shouldn't be.  It is really making things interesting.  I have been putting him in his walker when I need to leave the room just to keep him from getting into things.  He is enjoying the walker now too.  He is mobile in it, and has learned that he can walk in it.  I had him outside in it, and he was up and down the walkway within minutes screeching and giggling.  He was chasing the cat, and then he would walk into the grass, and then he would stare at the trees, and then start screeching again. 
Kieran turned 8 months on Tuesday, and is on his first medication.  He has been fighting a cold for over a month, so we took him to the doctor again, a new one, and he decided to try antibiotics just to be safe and fight something we might not be able to see.  He is getting better, no more runny nose or couging anymore.  He has developed his first bad case of diaper rash though.  He has been a trooper thru it, and is doing good.  He is enjoying eating more than ever.  He is eating up to 8 oz of solids, and sometimes wants to eat even more.  He is about 16 lb 5 oz, and 27" so maybe he is going thru a growth spurt. 
We also took family pictures after Christmas, here are a few that we took.

 Playing on Abigail's big girl bed
 Enjoying some outdoor time
 Eating an apple at the zoo
 Justa swinging
 Papa raked the leaves in the yard, and Auntie Molly and Uncle Chris put Kieran in them and let him go to town. . . .he ate them too
 time for a snack
 walking on the sidewalk

 Papa & Lola
 the mommies and their babies
 the grandkids

 the Riff's
My little man

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