Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas & 7 Months

Merry Christmas!!  We had a good day.  We went to Grandpa Weevie's for Christmas Eve, and then stayed home Christmas.  Molly, Chris and Abigail came up after their Christmas morning, and we did our Christmas.  Kieran got some new toys, a few outfits, and some chew toys.  =)  Papa bought him some cat toys that light up, and some fishing bobbers.  =)  I bought him a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt that will fit him maybe in 2 years, and Abigail got a Minnie Mouse one.  Very cute. 
Kieran turned 7 months the Saturday before Christmas.  He started sitting up on his own as well.  One night Lola and I were sitting around with him, and he started sitting up.  He is doing really good.  He will topple over once in a while, but he is starting to get more stable.  I got a few pictures of him sitting, and so far he is enjoying it.  I still have pillows around him when he falls, he has fallen back a few times and hit his head pretty hard.
Here are some pictures.  Enjoy and happy New Year!!
He likes chewing on the rope on his johnny jumper

His first pickle!!

Merry Christmas

Look at me!!

Christmas Eve

Kieran's first present!!

Jaycee was not liking sitting next to Kieran, he had a big poop before we did the pictures and she watched him get his diaper changed.  =)

Merry Christmas!!

Minnie Mouse

Opening presents

They look better than they taste

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