Wednesday, September 19, 2012


17 weeks old, almost 4 months.  Kieran is over 14 lbs, we have not measured his height lately, but he for sure has grown.  We measure him and Abigail at Lola and Papa's house, and need to do it and see how tall he his, I think last time we measured him was in June.
Kieran is trying to sit up.  When we put him in his bath, or his bouncey seat he is always trying to pull himself up.  If he is laying down on his back you can see him trying to sit up.  I will grab his hands, and he will pull himself up, first to sitting, kind of take a break and then suck on your hand if he can get it in his mouth.  Then he will push himself up to standing.  There have been a few times where he will go straight from laying up to standing. 
We are still working on rolling over.  He will once in a while, the other day he rolled from his stomach to his back really quickly.  I couldn't even get it on video he moved so quickly.  He rolls to both sides too.  Doesn't really have a preference.  We are hoping he will start doing it more often.
We were up at my parents, and Robyn came over with her kids, Annabelle and Logan.  They really liked Kieran.  Annabelle wanted to hold him, and Logan wanted to give him kisses.  Robyn was holding him, and saw he needed his nails cut.  She grabbed out her nail clippers and starting cutting them, while he was sitting on her lap.  She cut them so fast.  Lola and I were both amazed at how fast she did it.  She is welcome to cut them anytime.  =)
My Aunt Terry and Uncle Guy came into town to hang out a few days before they went to Hawaii with Lola and Papa.  Kieran did awesome.  We met them at their hotel room, and he went right to Aunt Terry, and then even sat with Uncle Guy. 
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.  I will try to get video up tonight, there are some cute videos of him talking and jumping in his jumper. 

I had to finally get a picture of the pout

Robyn and Kieran

Annabelle, Kieran and Logan

Love her smile!

Sleeping little baby

Thanks Grand Dutchess for the Huskie

The munchkins chilling on Abigail's couch with their Huskie's

Kieran was pretty fussy and had gas, so we stuck him on Lola and Papa's bed with his legs up to try to calm him down.  He loves staring at their fan.

Aunt Terrestrial (hehehe)

Uncle Brolio

Uncle Chris' shades

A bath on the front porch at Lola and Papa's during the heat wave

Say cheese

Daddy and Kieran on the swings

Having some dinner on the patio with Papa


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