Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Kieran is doing awesome. His colic is getting better. He still has times where it comes out, but he is getting much happier. He is not so much talking, but more of a moan and humming he is doing. I have noticed him doing it after he has a crying fit or when he is really tired. It's pretty cute, wish I could tell what he was saying. He has been rolling over quite a bit. If we put him on his belly he usually rolls over quickly. He has been laying on his side when he is on his back and looks like he might try rolling to his stomach soon. His hands are always in his mouth. He sucks and gnaws on our fingers too. Here are some pictures. We had diapers that were written on from my shower, giving us tips or words of encouragement. Here are a few.  (As you can tell it has been really hot at home, so again Kieran is not wearing clothes.  I think he knows now when we are going somewhere cause we put clothes on him.)

Smiley. . . he is loosing his hair, he does not have a mohawk

When we unswaddle him he stretches

A diaper from the shower.  =)

Just chillin. . . "oops I did it again" reads the diaper

Tummy Time with Daddy. . . .watching the Giants

"Baby Wingate"


"I feel much better"

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to get my hands on your little guy again!!!
