Thursday, August 23, 2012

3 Months

3 Months old, and 13 lb 7 oz!!  Kieran is growing like a weed.  He is becoming much more active.  He is smiling and giggling up a storm.  He is ticklish, and kind of lets out a little ha when he laughs.  He was saying "hi" for a few weeks, and is very talkative.  He likes to mimic you, and is trying new sounds with his tongue.  You can see him trying to form his mouth to looks like ours, and is making more of the B sounds. 
Kieran's colic is definetly improving.  He gets fussy at times, but nothing like it used to be.  He is loving baths.  We have had a heat wave, so we put him in his bath to cool off and not be sticky.  He loves to splash, we had to move him into the bathtub instead of the kitchen counter.  Tino calls it his little dance, he wiggles around and kicks his feet.  It has been a good release for him I think to have some water, and move.  We have started this routine everynight, and I think he looks forward to it when he hears the water running.
Molly and I took Kieran and Abigail to the beach to hang out with Robyn and her family.  Kieran cried almost the whole time.  Next time we go I will plan better.  Hopefully he will become a beach bum when he gets older.  I definetly can't wait to be able to go to the beach and play in the sand.  Robyn was digging a big hole and having a blast with the kids in the water.  Abigail was enjoying it as well, it was a nice relief from the hot heat of North County.
We have taken a few trips to the zoo.  The nighttime zoo is open, and Tino and I took him a few times, and we also went with Papa, Auntie Molly, Uncle Chris and Abigail.  It is nice to be so close, it takes us about 10 minutes to get there.  Kieran is usually screaming the whole time, but it's worth it.  Kieran does NOT like the car.  We have tried rolling the windows down to get the swooshing sound and some wind on him, sometimes it works, but it makes for going places difficult.
My Uncle Mike, and 2 of his kids came down, Kori and Bryce.  The first time we saw them Kieran was a bit fussy.  Then we hung out with them at the bay, and Kori and Uncle Mike held him.  He liked Kori.
We also took a trip up to Temecula to hang out with Auntie Cassie and Jaycee.  (The air conditioning was a nice also.)  =)  We tried getting pictures of the 3 kids together, but as you will see that was a bit harder than we thought.  We will all just have to get used to it. 
Hope everyone is well.  I am going to try to put pictures up and update more often.  Now that he is becoming more active and engaging there will be more to write about.

Everyone says Kieran is Tino's mini-me. . . . what do you think?

Look at those blue eyes!!!

Lol, I just saw his devil eyes

Smiley little Michelin Man

The Monkey's

He's not too sure about this stroller thing (Tino hates the hat)
Uncle Mike and Kieran, neither were cooperating

I love this picture, classic!!

Molly and Chris gave us a bouncy chair that Abigail used, she used to jump forever in this thing. . . .

. . .so far he's enjoying it as well

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