Sunday, July 22, 2012

2 Months

Wow, 2 months already.  It has been an exciting month.  Kieran just recently started smiling.  He has been smiling in his sleep, but the other morning while I had him on the changing table I was playing with a burp cloth and tickling him and playing peekaboo.  He started smiling and cooing.  I got Tino, and we both got to witness his first most adorable smiles.  He has a big open mouthed grin, and a smaller cute little smile.  He smiled at Molly the other night with her just talking to him.  Hopefully he will be a smiling machine.
This month Tino's mom came down for a visit, we took our 1st trip to the zoo, and baseball games.  They were not a Giant vs. Padre game, but it was nice to get out of the house and do something as a family.  We also went downtown during Comic Con on Saturday, had lunch at Henry's Pub, and then walked down to the Convention Center.  It was a lot of fun, and we are glad we did it.  There was so much to see, and people dressed up, and just excitement.  Tino has wanted to go, and every year is bummed he didn't go, but I think he is glad now that we did that, and maybe he will get tickets next year. 
Kieran is growing very quickly.  I have not weighed him recently, but I am positive he is over 10 lbs.  Tino called him his little buddah the other day, and I think it's a perfect description.  He has an adorable little belly, and his thighs are getting thicker.  He has a precious little round face, and those big blue eyes. 
We took our first trip to my work, and finally met Amy, April, Heather and some other co-workers.  He was a little colicky while we were there, but did a good job.  Kieran also met Laurie and Steve, and a bunch of family friends.  Mom celebrated her 60th birthday, and we had a small party for her.  I did not get any pictures of him, but everyone was happy to finally meet him.  It was a fun night, there were quite a few babies there.  Pretty cool to see the next generation of kids coming around.  =)
Here are a few pictures from the past month.

Our family at the Zoo

Standing in front of the new baby Giraffe, born June 6th

Saying bye to Nini
A little bit of a smile. 
 To daddy's unhappiness we put Kieran in his Padre's onesie and Molly, Chris, Abigail and I took him to his 2nd Padre game.  It was the firework show, so it was an earlier game.  He did great, and we even got pictures of the munchkins.  Abigail loves her baby. 

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