Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today we went to our Dr. for a checkup.  She said the baby looks good, and weighs about a pound and a half.  Tino and I were surprised this weekend by his mom, Kathy, and his sister, Sabrina.  They were able to go with us to the appointment.  They got to hear the heartbeat, and then we were able to see a sonogram!!  Lil Slugger was a bit stubborn and didn't show us its face.  It was face down the whole time.  We were all joking it must of been a screaming toddler that we were blessed with hanging out with in the waiting room.  This little boy was 3 years old and was screaming at the top of it's lungs.  So, needless to say, Nini and Aunt Sabrina did not get to see the face.  We did get a really clear view of the spine, and it's right ear.  The Dr said this was very unusual, normally babies don't lay so you can see their ear.  Hopefully it was still a fun appointment for them.
Our next appointment will be after we get back from Hawaii.  We will then be on the every 2 week appointments.  I will go for the Gestational test probably Thursday.  I have only gained 11 pounds, and am feeling very good.  I am going to try on some bathing suits that I have and hope they fit good enough for Hawaii.  We will try to post some pictures before we go, we have Abigail's 1st birthday coming up, so I will get a few pictures with Abigail.  Till then, take care.

1 comment:

  1. Website looks good, glad to hear everything is going well. Can't wait to hang out with you guys.
