Friday, February 17, 2012

24 Weeks

We are now at 24 weeks, almost 6 months!!  Time is really flying by.  We have some exciting events coming up, Abigail will be a year March 8th (that has really flown by), and we are going to Hawaii the same day for a week.  This will be the first "Family Vacation" for all of us together.  We are all very excited.  We will be meeting my Aunt Terry and Uncle Guy out there as well.  I am hoping to get some sun on my skin, relax, float in the boyant water, see Tino surf, and possibly do some stand-up paddling.  It will be a nice break for everyone, and a good time for Tino and I before we become parents!!
Here are a few pictures.  We took some side-by-side pictures, thanks Heather for the idea, and then some of just the belly. 

1 comment:

  1. You two look gorgeous...I am so happy for you, Summer! Stay HAPPY and you will have a HAPPY BABY...

