Monday, March 12, 2012


Aloha from Maui.  We are on a much needed vacation for the Lumpkin and Riffel Family.  Papa has taken the 7 of us to Hawaii for a vacation, and to celebrate Abigail's 1st birthday.  We landed Thursday, March 8th.  Abigail was amazing on the plane.  She sat with all of us, and didn't fuss once.  She walked around a few times.  I felt great on the flight till we started to land, and I had to ask for a barf bag, which is very unusual.  I just felt a little queasy, and a lot of pressure in my belly.  But we all got off the plane ready for sun and sand.  It was raining when we landed, cleared a bit once we got to Kahana and our condo.  We are on the 9th floor of a timeshare my parents have purchased.  It is a 3 bedroom condo so we all have our own bedrooms and bathrooms.  It is a bit noisy, tile floors, and a 1 year old, but great views.  My Aunt Terry and Uncle Guy are here as well, staying a few buildings up.  We have gone to the beach once so far and snorkled, and played around.  It was great to get in the water and float.  I dug a hole and stuck my belly in it.  It was nice to lay on my stomach a bit.  Tino, Papa, Molly, Chris and I went snorkeling at Hanalua Bay yesterday, it was cool, the boys saw a few turtles, and Tino got a shark bite!!  (He cut himself on the coral, but we're telling his nephew Garrett who wants a shark tooth he wrestled a shark. =)) We have had beautiful weather, but today is a bit rainy and windy.  Tino is going to go golfing at Kapalua just up the road a little later today.  It is a PGA course, and looks gorgeous.  We will be going to a Luau probably tomorrow night, and then ziplining for some of the family.  Here are some photos we have taken so far.
Tino enjoying a beer on the beach

That's cold water! 

Tino and Lola looking at a sea slug

On a hike in Iola Valley
Enjoying the beautiful Hawaii Weather

Rainbow from our balcony, still can't find the pot of gold

Getting ready for Tino's first snorkeling adventure

Playing in the sand

Molly, Chris and Abigail (she makes the funniest faces)

Papa and Abigail enjoying the beach

Hanalua Bay

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