Friday, May 25, 2012


Tino and I are proud to introduce to you all our handsome little man Kieran James Wingate!!  Kieran was born Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 11:37 pm.  Kieran weighed in at 6 lb, 1 oz, 18 1/2 inches long.  Kieran surprised us completely Tuesday morning.  We were planning on finishing his room, and getting organized, but he had other plans.  My water broke in the morning around 8:45 am, and we got to the hospital around 10, and checked in around 10:30.  We sat around the hospital, and walked a bit waiting for my labor to start until about 6 pm, when the Doctor finally decided to try a little pitocin drip.  By 11 pm I was pushing, and had him a short time later.  He has lost a bit of weight since birth, but is doing wonderful.  Everybody who has seen him so far has said he looks like his daddy.  =)  I think he is definetly a mini Tino.  He is gorgeous and absolutely perfect.  I am trying to upload pictures, but the camera does not want to work.  Tino and I are in love with this precious little boy, and am so glad to have finally met him, and see him.  I will try to upload pictures soon, and keep you all updated as often as I can now.  =)

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to meet Kieran!!! Get your rest and drink plenty of water.
    We love you all and can't wait to come and visit.
