Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am finally getting this webiste up for everyone to read and see pictures.  I am currently 19 weeks pregnant, and dont' feel like I'm showing that much.  =)
We found out we were pregnant when I was 4 weeks.  We had our first sonogram at 8 weeks, where we were able to see the baby move and wiggle.  At 13 weeks we went in to hear the heartbeat, and that was amazing.  I will try to upload the video we took.  I just went back at 17 weeks and again heard the heartbeat.  I asked the Doctor if we could do a sonogram again, but she said no, they don't do sonograms at every appointment.  Tino and I were kinda bummed, but we go in for the 20 week checkup at 21 weeks, and then we will be able to see more pictures, and the Doctor will take measurements and make sure all the organs look good. 
My first trimester was rough.  I had morning sickeness from the week before I found out to just after 13 weeks.  I tried eating consistently, eating proteins, fruit, and whatever else I had heard of, but nothing really seemed to work.  Now that that is over and I am in my 2nd trimester I am much happier.  My energy is coming back some, and I am starting to eat much more than before.  =) 
I have felt a few movements lately.  I had some sharp pains just under my belly button I wasn't sure if the baby was kicking a nerve, or what, and when I asked my mom she said it should feel like butterflies.  It didn't feel like butterflies, so I figured it was just pains.  Last Sunday I was sitting in the recliner at home when I felt some movement.  At first I just sat there and thought maybe it was gas, but after it happened a few more times, I had a feeling it was the baby.  It didn't feel like butterflies, but more like something was trying to get out.  Papa said it was like Alien, which yes, it was kinda like that without all the gore (thank god).  I have had a few other little kicks since then, but nothing too major.  I must say it is kind of strange to have something in side of you and feeling it move.  I can't wait until it's moving more!!
Tino and I have decided not to find out the sex.  I know I gave Molly a hard time for not finding out, but after talking with Tino and thinking about it, it was a lot of fun to be there when Abigail came out and to find out she was a girl.  Tino wants the family and friends to be in the waiting room so he can run out to them all and tell them what we have.  I thought it wasn't the hardest thing to do, to wait, and with all the things I can borrow from Molly, Cassie, Robyn, Heather, and other new mommies, I thought I could do it.  I still have not figured out how I will register, or if I will register for anything gender related, but I am excited to look for both sexes.  =) 
I think that is all I have for right now.  I will try to post again if anything changes, or when we get new sonogram pictures.  At some point I will put belly pictures up, but not yet.  =)  hehehe

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