Friday, January 27, 2012

20 Week Checkup!!

Here are the sonograms from our 20 week checkup.  I am currently 21 weeks.  The Doctor said lil slugger is weighing about 14 oz.  She did not tell us the length, but she said everything looks great.  We saw a few good views of the spine, and a lot of the forarms, and fingers.  The above sonogram shows the baby laying on it's right side.  It has it's legs curled up towards it's chest (hiding the sex, good baby!!), and it's left arm is bent over it's face.  It is also giving a peace sign.  You can see both bones in the arm, as well as 2 of its fingers.  At one point in the sonogram, the baby heard Tino's voice and opened both hands, and kind of like waved.  It was precious.

This is the 2nd sonogram.  The baby is still on it's side with it's arms pulled up around it's head.  You can see the head, and the eye sockets.  Pretty exciting to see the baby again after not seeing it since our 1st checkup.  I felt a lot of movement while we were doing the sonogram.  Tino was able to see how much it is moving.  It's crazy to think that this little thing is growing inside of me.  I am starting to show more and more each week.  I will take a picture sometime and put it on here so you can see. 
We are in the process of getting the 2nd bedroom cleaned up so we can start putting all the goodies in it.  We will hopefully start registering this weekend.  I think we will register for the gender neutral stuff, and stick with maybe blacks and yellows.  Still havent' decided. 
Hope everyone is doing well, we will post more as it happens.

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