Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

Kieran is 1 years old today!  All day I have been looking at the time and thinking what I was doing at this time last year. Right now we were hanging out waiting for the doctor to come back in the room.  I had started getting contractions and I think the epidural was being put in.  When I first started to get contractions Tino and I had just decided to lay down and try to rest, and then the fire alarm went off too!  That was a crazy hour.  That was about 6pm.
Kieran birthday party was wonderful.  He had such a great time, being passed around from person to person and playing with his toys, and just enjoying everyone.  I thought he would have danced when we sang Happy Birthday, but he saw his cupcake and didn't care about anything else going on.  He ate the cake, and shared with me and Tino, and whoever else who wanted to come up.  The day was wonderful, great weather, good to see everyone and just be out and have a fun day with friends and family.  Tino's family and mine all stayed around and we opened present on the grass while Kieran played with a big ball Grandpa Weevie got him, and then had a bottle and Lola was holding him and we all cheered cause his presents were opened and he looked up and smiled, and then started playing with us.  He would look up and smile and want us to clap for him.
Today Tino and I took Kieran to lunch, he had his first bites of mahi mahi and shrimp.  Liked both of them!  We then went back to Tino's and he played with a new push toy he got, and then Kieran and I went and walked up the street to see Papa working and then home.  We played in the yard at home, and then the neighbors came over with their 2 little grandkids, and played with Kieran.  Kieran had a great day.  Hard to believe he is already a year.  Time really does fly when you have kids. 
An update on Riley.  Riley was moved Monday evening over to Children's Hospital.  They see more down syndrome babies, and know what to expect with her heart condition and how her development will be.  She has been doing good, Chris has been with her as Abigail and Molly are both battling a nasty cold.  Hopefully Riley will be home within the next week.  Chris will hopefully speak with the doctors tomorrow and get an idea of what they want to see out of her and when we can expect to take her home.
Here are some pictures.  Enjoy!
Kieran in his big boy pj's

Auntie Molly put a fairy costume on Kieran

Kieran reading mama the hungry catepillar

Abigail's happy face

Saturday was the Ramona Rodeo Parade, so I met Robyn and her sister and the kids down there, it was fun.  This is Robyn and her kids looking down the street for the parade.

Kieran's present table.  I did a vintage baseball theme.

We bought a bat for everyone to autograph

Auntie Cassie made some awesome baseball and grass cupcakes!!

Sunflower seeds and crackerjacks

Kieran enjoying his birthday cake


Showing off his food

Happy birthday boy!

Kieran and his buddy Lorenzo.  We did baby signs with Lorenzo, he is 3 days younger than Kieran.

Playing in the sand

Opening presents with dada

Oh. . . .bubbles!!

Kieran is into climbing, he climbed into the chair to sit next to Auntie and Lola while we opened presents

Proud mom and dad

(the pictures are out of order) Kieran sharing his birthday cake

This is Kieran's new train toy, you can push it and it has an attachment so you can sit on it too

Balancing on the grass outside


Climbing up the stairs

Taylon giving Kieran hugs.  He kept trying to hug her and put his head on her.  He loves the ladies!

Kieran likes crawling under things too.  He gets such a kick out of it

Playing before bed.  Happy Birthday Boy!!
Little Riley doing some tummy time on some mats in the hospital room

Daddy was playing dress up with Riley one morning.  =)

Somebody found her thumb!!

Riley's hearing test

One day I stayed with her and Molly set up the iPad for me to watch.  Molly walked in and thought I had her watching tv. . . .I was burping her. 

Riley getting ready to move to Children's Hospital

Her 1st car ride!!  She was a champ, besides the fact that it was time to eat and she was pissed, she didn't get carsick.  =)

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