Wednesday, November 28, 2012

6 Months

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Kieran turned 6 months on Thanksgiving this year so he got his first taste of real food.  We gave him sweet potatoes and he loved them!!  We have given him a little bit every day, and have moved to sweet carrots yesterday.  I have a feeling he will be a healthy eater.  =)  His first Thanksgiving was nice.  We went to Grandpa Weevie's with the whole family.  Tino made a turkey, his 3rd one he's done, and did a wonderful job on it!  I tried getting pictures of the kids, and none of them were cooperating.  I did get some of the grandparents with the grandkids.  I have a picture of Tino, Kieran and I but it is on my moms camera and it did not come out very good at all. 
We took Kieran for his 6 month checkup today, he is 15 lb 8 oz, 26 3/4 inches long!  A growing boy.  He got 3 shots today, took them pretty good.  He screamed after getting the last one, it was so sad.  He has a bruise on one leg from one of the shots, and the other leg looks like it might bruise too. 
We have been staying pretty busy.  Trying to get him out of the house at least once a day, whether it is for a walk, our in the car.  Lola and I have been going for walks daily when she gets home.  Kieran has definetly been enjoying it. 
Kieran has started splashing like crazy in the bath.  He loves sucking on the washcloth.  He will put it in his mouth, and then put his arms down to his side and start kicking.  It is adorable, and he enjoys bathtime, it is a fun time for all of us, and a nice way to calm down at the end of the day.
Kieran will be taking his first trip to Disneyland on Monday.  We have family friends who are coming to town with their families, so the Riffel's, Lola and Papa and us will be driving up.  We are going to spend the night and hang out Tuesday around the hotel.  We are really excited to go, we have been going every year the past few years, and now we have Kieran and Abigail is old enough to enjoy it, and be interested.  We will for sure have lots of pictures.
Enjoy the photos.
Enjoying his first swing ride on Thanksgiving

Sweet Potatoes!!

Give me more!!

Stuffed little turkey

Happy Thanksgiving

Lola, Kieran, Papa, Abigail, Grandpa Weevie & Jaycee

Not cooperating

We took Aunt Judy and Uncle John up to Julian one Saturday, and put Kieran in the ergo on Chris' back. . . he loved it, walked up and down the street on his back.  =)

Pooped after getting his immunizations

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