Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Weeks Old

Our precious little man is 3 weeks old!!  Can't believe it.  It has gone by fast, might be the lack of sleep.  Kieran has been great.  He was sleeping up to 6 hours a night, but is now down to 3 hours.  He is up to 7 lb 14 oz, 19 1/2 inches long, and is nice and healthy.  He definetly has grown since we brought him home.  He no longer fits into his premie clothes his Lola bought him.  He is almost filling out the newborn clothes.  Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.
We went up to Lola and Papa's for a day.  Lola had to take a picture of her babies with their babies.  =)

 Hanging on the porch waiting to meet Robyn, Annabelle and Logan

It's a party on the front yard with Annabelle, Logan and Abigail

We went up to Molly and Chris for our birthday last Friday.  This is Abigail and Jaycee playing so well with eachother.

Molly, Chris and Abigail came over last weekend so we could go for a walk at the bay with Chantal and Ryan.  Abigail got to hold her baby for the first time.  She was giving him kisses.

 Abigail climbed up with me when I was burping Kieran.  She loves her baby.  =)

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